How to become a Church Member
We want to welcome you to Center Barnstead Christian Church. We hope you have visited our church and found a warm welcoming church where you would want to worship God. Perhaps you have been thinking about joining Center Barnstead Christian Church; however you are not sure what is involved in becoming a member. Please let us share with you how to join our church and meaning of church membership.
Joining Center Barnstead Christian Church
Two Ways to Become Members
1) New Christians (click if you are interested in finding out more about creating and sustaining a relationship with Jesus as Lord)
One who has made the decision to receive Jesus Christ as their personal Savior or has never been a member of a church can become a member. He/she can come forward at the close of any regular worship service or ask to meet with the pastor at any time. He/she should share with the pastor about their decision to trust Jesus Christ as Savior.
As part of the membership process, a new believer / nonmember will go through the membership Sunday School class. The classes allows us to get to know you personally and allows you to become better acquainted with the beliefs, values, and philosophy of our church. The classes are offered several times during the year. He/she must be in agreement with our Statement of Faith and must be baptized by immersion.
2) Transfer of Membership
Individuals who are active members of another Bible believing Church and who are interested in becoming a member of Center Barnstead Christian Church should follow the steps below.
Request a letter to be written and sent to the Center Barnstead Christian Church elder board by the candidate’s current church, stating that the person has been active in their former church and that the church is recommending them for membership.
He / she will then meet with the elder board and share their testimony and say why they are interested in becoming a member of the Center Barnstead Christian Church. He/she must be in agreement with our Statement of Faith and must have been baptized. Once this has been completed the name(s) will be brought before the church membership for a vote.
Expectations of Membership
The Statement of Membership reads as follows – Having been born again by the grace of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and being justified by His shed blood, having confessed our faith before others and having been baptized, I do now solemnly and joyfully enter into covenant with the body of Center Barnstead Christian Church, as one body in Christ.
I will endeavor, therefore, by the power of the Holy Spirit to walk together in Christian love; to promote the spiritual welfare and seek to advance the knowledge and holiness of this church; to sustain its worship, ordinances, discipline and doctrines; to contribute cheerfully and regularly to the support of its ministry, the relief of the poor, and the spread of the Gospel at home and abroad.
I will seek to maintain family and private devotions, to educate our children in the Holy Scriptures, and to witness to our family, friends and acquaintances. I will pray and seek out a ministry within the church to be involved in; I will “not give up meeting together”, but will be faithful to the services of this Church.
As strangers and pilgrims in this world, I will endeavor by the grace and power of God to abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, to put away all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor and evil speaking; to be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake has forgiven us; to watch over one another in brotherly love; to remember each other in prayer; and to aid each other in times of sickness and distress.
I will abide by the Confession of Faith, adhere to the Constitution, and submit to the leadership that God has placed over me, and will do everything I can to help them accomplish the work that God has given them to do.
If at any time I am unable or unwilling to fulfill this covenant, I will immediately meet with the Pastor and Elders and will withdraw my membership.