Surely, You are God. You are from Everlasting to Everlasting, the Self Existent One. Before the universe was formed and before the stars bore light, You are. Your voice is mightier than the fiercest raging storm and Your holy word commanded creation into being. You whispered life to man in Your love. You bore Your judgment of him with heartbreak.
Surely, You are God. Author of Peace, You calm the tempest, roiling in blackness and fury. Your voice is the softness in the gentlest breeze, the comfort in the moments of crippling darkness. You restore, like water in the desert. You sustain Your flocks with springs gushing from immutable and barren rock. You feed your children with the bread of angels and the bread of life. You still my anxious thoughts and ease my restless soul.
Surely, you are God. My form remains unhidden from You. You dream my dreams with me and delight in bringing them to fruition. You care for me in intricate detail even while I am distracted by the busyness of life. Your provision is abundant and lavish and You are ever faithful. I am never forsaken. I am never abandoned. I am not alone.
Surely, You are God. You love ferociously and love eternally. You ache when your sheep wander and Your children drift. You pursue Your wayward creation relentlessly and Your joy is immeasurable and riotous upon their return. Your love is tender and intimate, yet vast and without abandon. It is holy and bears all. It was willing to die for me.
Surely, You are God. All creation is compelled to sing praises of You. I long to praise you with words wonderful enough to speak of Your glory. But my mouth is filled with the gravel of years of foolish speech and meaningless chatter. I long for my intentions to mirror your law. But my thoughts are a morass of prideful thoughts and selfish desires. I long to be your holy vessel. But I am mere clay, living water mingled with the dust and filth of the world. Shape me, O Lord. Repair my brittle heart, and cleanse my words. Wash the mud from my soul and lift me from the mire. Make the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, and let my praises bless You, O God.
Written by Janet Keefe