Jesus has a new message for us. There is no reason to worry. Our Father in heaven loves us and is glad to take care of us.
All the burdens of the world fall on us if we think we have to provide for ourselves. A bug enters our mind and keeps gnawing on us to work harder and worry more—because we think it’s all up to us.
Jesus says that is not the case. God has his eye on us every moment and HE will provide.
Look at the lilies. They don’t toil or spin, and yet Solomon in all his glory was not clothed as one of them.
Look at the birds. They do not sow seeds or reap or gather crops into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.
So don’t worry about what you will eat or what you will drink or what you will wear. Your heavenly Father knows you need these things.
But seek his kingdom and his righteousness first, and all these things will be added to you.
Oh, Christians, how fortunate we are to have the gift of faith. And if we listen to Jesus this precious gift takes away all fear.
People who do not have faith are filled with anxiety about tomorrow. We see it every day on the news and in social media. Fear is rampant among those who turn their eyes upon themselves and not God.
They have been deceived to believe in the “survival of the fittest.” They strive to accumulate wealth, but they do not realize how poor they are; poor in the things of the kingdom, which are faith, hope and love.
God is love, and those who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. You can have all the money in the world, but the emptiness inside, the moonlit winter nights, cannot be filled without love.
To seek God’s righteousness is to love as God loves, to love our neighbor as ourselves. Don’t be fooled by the world. It is impossible to have joy and happiness without this love.
What should we do, then? We should believe. We should pray. We should keep the commandments. We should be zealous for justice, charity and mercy. And then ALL THESE THINGS will be added unto you.
God has his eyes on you as on the sparrow. Every hair on your head is numbered. He will care for you. He will meet all your needs. He will never forsake you.
“He opens his hands and satisfies the desires of every living thing.” This is the nature of our glorious God. His hands are open toward you, and His hands are open toward me.
When we come to him we do not find a fist, like we often do when we come to the world. No, we find grace, and mercy, and lovingkindness.
There are two kingdoms: the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of this world. One is righteousness, peace and joy. The other is the law of nature and the jungle, red in tooth and claw.
Which kingdom do we desire? Which one will fill our deepest longings?
Won’t you come to him now in these vast and desolate winter months? Give up all fear and all anxiety and put yourself in the loving embrace of our benevolent Creator. Shield yourself in his powerful wings.
There is no one else to care for us. There is no one else to love us as he loves. Those who seek his kingdom and his righteousness find peace and rest for their souls.
Written by Jay Trott