concrete with a crack in the middle and small flower coming out of the crack

Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that You are the Lord God, and that You have turned their hearts back to you again. – 1 Kings 18:37

Sometimes the lost are halfway found. Some, many perhaps, sense there is something more to this world than what is seen. They see impossible situations resolved. They feel connections they cannot explain. Their hearts swell with the beauty of the commonplace. They feel empathy and sense the ferocity of love. They suspect that coincidence is a meager explanation for the mysteries that happen. They know there is a supernatural force.

Satan hijacks spiritual moments and claims them in the name of lesser gods. He tells the world that they can touch the supernatural without the Truth, the True God. He bars the Way with barriers of fear and self doubt. Satan tells everyone they are not righteous enough to enter the Kingdom of God, but they can satisfy their spiritual longing by entering a place that is more easily accessible.  As with any liar, Satan is telling a half-truth. The truth is that no one is righteous enough to enter the Kingdom of God. No, not one.

The lie is that good enough is truly good enough.  It may be thrilling, it may be mesmerizing to be aware of the supernatural at work, but it is a counterfeit and a cheat. It pales before the presence of Almighty God. To walk with Him is wonderous. To trust in Him is remarkable. And to pray to Him is jaw-dropping, chill inducing, and can make the strongest of men weep. His still, small voice is both greater and more profound than the calls of a thousand occult practitioners and the replying voices of a million spirits. 

The halfway found are looking for God. But they have accepted the lies that prevent them from coming to the Author of their faith. Yes, they have faith. They are longing for something yet unseen. They trust in a spiritual world. They put hope in empathy and kindness. And they long hopelessly for the divine.

They are aware of an unseen world that they can almost see like looking in a clouded mirror. What they don’t know is that God, so holy and righteous, is also love. God longs to love the lost. He paid to reunite them to Him with the blood of His only Son. God longs to care for the halfway found. 

We are called to be their guides. We have the joyous privilege of telling the halfway found about the wonders of God. We can tell them of the excitement of having a prayer answered. We can share our trials to give them hope. We can share our sinful nature to show God’s mercy. We can boast in His might. We can tell of the peace we have because of His unchanging nature. We can tell of His power. We can tell of His love. We can tell the halfway found that God is seeking them and wants to bring them to Himself. We are called to be the sign posts by our love of the One, True God. It is this truth that can lead them home.

Written by Janet Keefe

Categories: Church Blog