Spending Time with God - Bible

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105

Lately I have felt lost. It is as if I am wandering aimlessly. I have felt tired all the time and my attitude could use some improvement. I have had three different co-workers tell me how tired I look and ask me if I am ok. The last one was a fellow believer who also kindly pointed out I looked like a deer in the headlights.  Just the thing everyone loves to hear!  I responded “Yes, I am just really tired. I have been working a lot.” Then it hit me, why am I more tired than normal? I am working a lot, but I always work a lot. What is the difference now?  The answer came flooding over my soul, Jesus. Time with Jesus! This verse is a key remedy for that. For 26 years I have spent almost every day in God’s word and time in prayer. Over the last few months I have not. It has become random time with God. I still talk to Him constantly but I have only spent a day here and there in focused and intentional time with God in His word and prayer. I have made other things like work, chores and TV take priority. I have put these things first over God and it has not done me any good. I am more tired, less focused, and less productive. In the world’s eyes it would not make sense to spend less time doing work things to do better. But God’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8). The more time I spend with God and make those other things wait, the more focused and efficient I become in every aspect of my life. God tells us to seek first the kingdom of God (Luke 12:31). That’s because spending time in the word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path. God gives us direction. As we spend time with Him, the Holy Spirit guides, directs us and He gives us ideas and clarity. God knows and sees all. “ For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12) I know I need the word every day! It is not boring or mundane, it is active and alive. It breathes fresh life into me and I always get fresh revelation and understanding when I seek Him in it. I don’t understand how it happens but I often find myself reading exactly what I need for what lies ahead that day. 

I need Jesus all the time! It does not matter if I know the word. I need to be in the word and apply it to my life. I need time in prayer to build my faith and receive counsel and guidance. If Jesus needed to spend regular time in prayer with His father, We certainly do! (Matt. 14:23, Luke 6:12, Matt. 26:36-44, Luke 9:28) Jesus led by example and in Luke 9:28, He even took disciples with Him to do it. In Matthew 6:6 He tells us what to do when we pray. He does not say if you pray but when. We need to do this regularly. 

Lord you are amazing, you see all and know all. You are my source of strength and my joy. You are love and the giver of grace and are merciful. You are so good. Nothing is impossible for you. Your word is truth. You are my defense and shield. You are my Savior, my Healer and my Provider. I am sorry for making other things a priority over you. Please forgive me for not seeking you first in all things. Please forgive me for relying on my own strength rather than yours. Forgive my pride. Thank you so much for your grace and for reminding me how much I need you. Thank you for never leaving me or forsaking me. Thank you Lord for the countless times you have brought healing, provision, and counsel to me. Thank you for your word and for allowing us access to you and for speaking with us. Please help me to make you a priority again. I ask that you would strengthen and heal me. I pray that you would show me what to do each day and bless the work you have given me. Most importantly, I pray that I would see all those around me come to know you and confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in their hearts that God raised Him from the dead so they will be saved.

Written by Rebecca Murzin

Categories: Church Blog