True Feeedom

“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” – Galatians 5:13

I love our country and I thank God we live in a country where we are free to serve and worship Jesus, our Lord and Savior. I am grateful that I can buy and read a bible and that I am free to do as God instructs,and through God’s love serve one another. 

Living in a free country does not mean that we can do whatever we want. We must still obey laws that govern our nation. We still are expected to live by a code that honors others and has a moral standard. Our founding fathers recognized God’s authority and looked to HIs Word for direction in how to best establish our nation.

Jesus died to give us freedom from sin and death. When we receive freedom from sin, we then become slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:18). Something will always be our master, we must choose whom we will serve. I know as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15). Serving is a choice we make over and over again, one day it just feels natural and becomes our automatic reaction. We are to serve one another. We serve without partiality and we serve with compassion. We serve not through our own strength because that will fail, but through God because God is love.

Through the freedom love of Christ, we are able to forgive hurts as we have been set free from our sins and the hurts we have caused others. 

We have to be careful not to allow our freedom as an excuse to walk in the flesh, but rather allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in His perfect will. He desires us to serve one another with the gifts we have been given. We can serve others with the physical gifts we have been given such as our finances and our belongings. We can serve with the spiritual gifts we have as well. Some have the gift of hospitality, others giving, some have the gift of healing, while some are gifted in teaching, and some preach. Whatever your gift is, don’t hide it away. It is not intended for your benefit alone but rather for others to encourage, bless, and train them. If they don’t know Christ your gifts  can be used to lead them into His Kingdom. Use whatever gift you have been given to serve those around us whether in the body or those who may be our future brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Never forget how blessed we are to live in a free country where we can freely worship and spread the Good News  that Christ has set us free from sin and death! Use that freedom and the gifts you have been given to serve others. 

Written by Rebecca Murzin

Categories: Church Blog