Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. – 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

These verses give me great comfort. So often I have sat and wondered “What is God’s will for me? What should I be doing?” I have had many conversations with brothers and sisters in Christ that have asked these same questions. In the above passage we are given an answer. It might not be exactly what we thought or even hoped to hear as often we want specific details to specific situations. However, this truly covers all situations. No matter what we have going on, we can follow these guidelines and have perfect peace knowing that we are in God’s will. 

My achilles tendon is giving me great pains and making it difficult to walk. Do I have surgery? If so, when? I thought I had it all planned out and it seems it might not go according to my plan. Is it God’s will for it to happen this way? I do know it’s God’s will for me to rejoice in the fact that I am still able to walk. I know He desires for me to rejoice in the fact that His grace is sufficient for me. I know that I am in God’s will as I pray for His perfect timing and for Him to guide the doctor and to give him wisdom and to be with those who are scheduling surgery.  I know that I am in God’s will in Christ Jesus as I thank God for my health insurance and for the work that covers whatever bill comes. I am thankful that he gives me the strength to keep going. I am thankful for my husband who helps where he can.  I know God desires for me to thank Him for the fact that no matter what happens I know that it will work together for my good. I know that no matter what happens and when it happens that I am in God’s will as I follow His direction in my life and trust Him. 

No matter where you find yourself whether it be in sickness, health, money strains, prosperity,  family complications, mountain tops,  betrayal of trust, frustrated by the actions of others, blessed by others,  or walking out forgiveness, you can know you are in the will of God in Christ Jesus if you rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances. This might be easy to say but doing it is another thing. It can be hard to always rejoice. If someone said or did things that you are hurt by or you were diagnosed with a scary thing, how can you rejoice? Find something. There is always a reason you just have to search it out. It certainly is not easy and you might have to force yourself even when you don’t feel like it. But like any hard thing, it gets easier the more you do it. Rejoice that God is with you in the circumstance. Rejoice that He has given you His Holy Spirit to guide and comfort you in whatever situation you find yourself. Rejoice in the fact that God has forgiven you and is your source of strength. Pray about what is heavy on your heart. Tell God how you feel. Tell Him if you’re scared or angry and ask Him to help you in it. Pray for the others involved in the situation that God would move their hearts, that they would know Him and grow closer to Him. 

 We should turn to God in prayer first and always. We can talk to Him no matter where we are. We are currently in a season when we are reminded to be thankful. However, it is God’s will for us to be thankful in all circumstances all year long. I know I am forever and always thankful that Jesus died for the forgiveness of my sins and has risen from the grave and conquered death. I am thankful He has given me a purpose to share this with others. I am always grateful that in every circumstance, He is with me. I am so thankful that He never leaves us or forsakes us. I am thankful for His Word and guidance in my life and that His Word is active,alive, and sharper than any two edged sword and it pierces my heart (Hebrews 4:12). It brings me to my knees in prayer and causes change in my life and a desire to continually strive to be more like Him every day. I can always rejoice in the fact that I serve the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and that He is always working out all things for my good.  Thank you Lord for showing us your will in our lives. I pray that you help us to live it out.

Written by Rebecca Murzin

Categories: Church Blog